Give a Guess on Irrational Games Next Game

We like many of you have found ourselves on more then one occasion posting all over forums and websites on what we think a particular developer next game may be. Now there is one developer that wants to hear what you have to say.

Irrational Games (formally 2K Boston and 2K Australia) want you to call them and tell them what you think they are working on. Now to aid in your guessing this team has worked on System Shock 2 and Bioshock as well as aided in some character and environment art assets for Bioshock 2.

To make matters a little harder Ken Levine, the creator of Bioshock, said in an interview in April that they were working on an original title, so guessing what it is may be rather difficult.

All that being said if you live in the US and have an idea give them a call and leave them a short message (617-302-7805).



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