Get Animated for Free with Dead Space 2 Pre-order

EA has just announced this morning that the upcoming Dead Space 2 will have a pre-order special at participating retailers. For those of you that go ahead and pre-order the game, you will receive a code to download Dead Space Ignition for FREE. It’s always great to get something for free when you purchase a game and for those looking to gain more insight into the world of Dead Space, this is a deal you cannot miss.

Dead Space Ignition is a prequel to Dead Space 2 that is set to release on the PlayStation Network tomorrow. The game will feature 3 hacking games; Hardware Crash, Trace Route and System Override. There are a possible 4 different endings that gamers can reach and unlockable content for Dead Space 2 hidden inside. For those who decide not to pre-order, Ignition can still be purchased seperately for $5.