Record of Agarest War Zero Deep-Throating North Americans Soon

Aksys Games have announced Record of Agarest War will be bring its soul-breeding system back to PS3 owners with Record of Agarest War Zero. It was a bit of a mess when the last game released as a PSN download only, with a massive 18GB install, so it’s a relief to see that this time around it will be on a retail disc.

Record of Agarest War Zero is a prequel to the original game but will feature a couple of solid additions. Gone will be the static portraits, replaced instead with “living portraits” which should add more depth to the characters and story. A new Card Skill System is also being introduced giving players a chance to pick appropriate cards and define the style of combat for the main character.

Agarest War is definitely a different kind of tactics game with a huge emphasis on its soul-breeding system. Here you can select your bride of choice at the end of the first generation, which further determines the skill sets and weapon of the offspring.

Expect to see this title coming to the PS3 this summer.


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