Show Off Your Superiority with Call of Duty: Black Ops Prestige Icons

The Call of Duty series has been known for its addictive leveling and unlock system which has been one of several attributes that have made the multiplayer portion so popular over the years. The Prestige system is a staple of the series, and allows veteran players to show-off their dozens if not hundreds of hours of time spent playing.

Below is the entire list of Prestige icons that can be unlocked in Call of Duty: Black Ops:

Prestige 1
Prestige 2
Prestige 3
Prestige 4
Prestige 5
Prestige 6
Prestige 7
Prestige 8
Prestige 9
Prestige 10
Prestige 11
Prestige 12
Prestige 13
Prestige 14
Prestige 15


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