PlayStation Users Donate Huge Figure to Japan Relief Effort

Sony has updated the status of the Great East Japan Earthquake Relief Effort which started March 19th in the U.S. and quickly spread to support over 40 countries with access to the PlayStation Network.  Gamers across these countries have come together and raised 109.6 million yen ($1.318 million) as of March 31st.

Kaz Harai, President and Group CEO at Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. wanted to relay this message to PS3 users who have given what they can to this effort.

We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. While we continue to make every effort to help the recovery of the affected communities in the region, I would like to express our gratitude to every single PlayStation user across the world who made a contribution to the effort.

Sony will be donating the full amount of the money to an organization in each region and Sony will continue to support this relief effort. We here at PlayStation LifeStyle would also like to thank everyone who has done their part to help those in need after the devastating events that rocked Japan.



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