Suda 51 Announces Lollipop Chainsaw for the PS3 and 360

Suda 51, who most recently was responsible for Shadows of the Damned, has revealed his next project entitled Lollipop Chainsaw. Described as ‘pop’ zombie entertainment, the game will feature a cheerleader and her fight to slaughter every zombie inside her school with a chainsaw. Now who was it that said high school wasn’t a blast?

Lollipop Chainsaw will follow a zombie outbreak in San Romero High School, the largest high school on the West Coast of the States. As luck would have it, main character Juliet comes from a long line of zombie hunters and wields a mean pink chainsaw. Screenshots for the game can be found below the wall of text you are about to encounter.

Speaking to Japanese magazine Famitsu, Suda had this to say concerning the game:

Actually I’ve wanted to do a crazy horror-action game like this set in a school for a while now. Something where the classrooms, corridors, gymnasium and so on are suddenly transformed into something completely different.

Suda went on to explain how detailed sound would be in the game, gore, and just how close this game might actually be to release.

We’re putting a lot of effort into the soundtrack, definitely. Part of the reason we established Grasshopper in the first place was so we could work on every part of a game in-house, and we treat sound especially importantly in this outfit. The sound team for Lollipop is led by Yamaoka and they’re working on a whole array of pop tunes right now. Part of the gameplay might involve sound as well, although exactly how we’re still keeping a secret.

Instead of sprays of blood, we have the zombies emitting bursts of pink light. When it comes to gore, we can certainly go that way if we want, but we wanted to give the game more of a ‘pop’ feel.

Part of the gameplay might involve sound as well, although exactly how we’re still keeping a secret. The game’s framework is complete, and now we’re deep into the fine-tuning process. I’d place it at around 70 percent complete. It’s really a new era for zombie games – a piece of ‘pop’ zombie entertainment.

Before most of you shrug this off as a strictly Japanese game and one that would never hit the states, the report in Famitsu states that Grasshopper Manufacture has already secured a publisher out West that is committed to releasing the game in English.



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