Report Indicates Japanese Market Not Interested in PS Vita

The PlayStation Portable may have sold like hotcakes in Japan, but it doesn’t look like this same level of love from Japanese gamers will carry over to the Vita.

According to a recent study conducted by Goo Research, only about 10% of Japanese gamers are either interested in the Wii U or PlayStation Vita. The survey took place during the month of October, and a total of 1,083 individuals took part in the questioning.

When looking specifically at Sony’s portable platform, the research indicates that only 10.2% of Japanese gamers were interested enough to actually purchase the device, while another 35.2% found the handheld interesting, but not enough to buy. What is most alarming, however, is the fact that a whopping 54.6% said that they weren’t even remotely interested in the Vita at all.

Seeing as how Japan will likely be Sony’s biggest market for the Vita, this doesn’t speak too fondly of the device’s future. Perhaps gamers still need some hands-on time with it themselves to be truly sold.



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