Modern Warfare 3 PS3 Bundle Launching Later This Month

For all five of you that don’t already own either Modern Warfare 3 or a PlayStation 3, Sony has just the bundle for you.

In an effort to capitalize off of the overwhelming level of hype for the next installment in Activision’s popular shooter franchise, Sony is bundling last year’s Modern Warfare title with the 320GB model of the PS3. If you’re a loyal reader of this site, chances are you already have the console, but in the event you are looking to upgrade or pick up a second box for another room in the house, this is a great opportunity to do so.

For those that don’t remember, Sony did something very similar last year with a Black Ops bundle. Perhaps the company plans to make this an annual tradition? It would certainly aid in combating the notion that the Xbox 360 is the de facto place to play Call of Duty.

The bundle will be available for purchase on May 25th for just $300.



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