Ubisoft Files ‘Killing Day’ Trademark, The Forgotten Shooter From Sony’s 2005 E3 Conference

Back in 2005, Sony took to the E3 stage to announce the PlayStation 3 in an explosive show. Between all the huge prices, pre-rendered CGI trailers, Ridge Racers and PS3 exclusives, Ubisoft’s Killing Day was revealed.

All we ever saw of the game, which was set to come out on both PS3 and 360, was one trailer. At the time, the graphics looked pretty impressive and the destructible environment was superb – now, of course, the graphics look decidedly sub-par, although the destructibility of the environment is still better than most games.

Sadly, after the reveal, the game dropped off of the radar, until a Ubisoft rep finally confirmed the game was no longer in development. But could the game be back in development? PSLS has uncovered a new trademark filing for Killing Day, with the trademark currently going through the approval process. As you’d expect for a game, the trademark is for “game software and electronic game programs”.

It’s rather unusual for a publisher to file trademarks for cancelled games, and a look back at Ubisoft’s past two years of trademarks shows no similar filings for cancelled games.

Would you like to see Killing Day back in development? Let us know in the comments below.