MediEvil’s Lead Artist and Designer Says “Series was Never Granted a Green Light to Continue in Future Games and Storylines”

With Sir Daniel Fortesque featuring in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, and Sony Cambridge having worked on a never-revealed project before Killzone Mercenary, rumors have constantly circled about a new MediEvil game being in the works. With a few hours still left before the PS4’s big reveal, we looked into whether it was still a possibility… and what we found wasn’t promising.

Over on the site of Jason Wilson, lead artist, concept artist, lead designer of MediEvil, MediEvil 2, MediEvil Resurrection, he states:

Despite a good solid fan base fro the games, particularly amongst female gamers who enjoyed the less than macho antics of Dan Fortesque, the MediEvil series was never granted a green light to continue in future games and storylines.

Farewell Dan Fortesque you will be fondly remembered in gaming history. Bravo!

His comments are from last year, so they could be outdated, but it sadly seems unlikely now that Sony Cambridge have moved on. To cheer up any MediEvil fans out there, here’s some concept art from Jason’s site (click to fullscreen):

Are you sad that MediEvil is no more, or can nothing dent your PS4-day happiness? Let us know in the comments below.