Muramasa Rebirth Strikes the PlayStation Vita on June 25th, “No Plans” for a PS3 Version

Today brought along some new information for the PlayStation Vita’s Muramasa Rebirth, which is an upgraded version of the Wii’s Muramasa: The Demon Blade.

First off, Frank “Bo” DeWindt, Director of Production at Aksys Games, re-confirmed that Muramasa Rebirth is releasing on June 25th in North America. He then went on to detail that the regular retail version will be available in a $39.99 regular edition, and a $59.99 Blessing of Amitabha edition, with the PSN download running you $34.99.

A quick rundown of other pieces of info include that the game is roughly 10 – 15 hours long for each of the two characters, there are trophies, there won’t be a demo, and they have “no plans at this time” to bring Muramasa Rebirth to the PS3.

To get a brief look at how Muramasa Rebirth looks, here’s a brand new trailer showing off some gameplay:

More videos are expected in the near future, including ones based off the four DLC scenarios, which bring four new characters and new stages.

Are you planning on buying the game when it comes out? Let us know in the comments below.


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