Flower on PlayStation Vita Outed by IndieCade Press Release

Well this is interesting. In what appears to be a bit of a premature announcement, a press release we received from IndieCade detailing their E3 line-up made mention of a little game called Flower making an appearance on the PlayStation Vita. Developed by thatgamecompany, Flower released on the PSN for the PS3 back in 2009, and was their game that preceded Journey.

Details about Flower on Vita were scarce, though they did note you use “simple touch or motion controls” as you make your way through the very peaceful adventure found in the game.

We’ve reached out to Sony for confirmation of Flower becoming a PlayStation Vita title and we’ll let you know when we hear something back.

Flower won’t be the only PlayStation game at the IndieCade though, as Hohokum on Vita will be there, along with Move titles QuickDraw and Johann Sebastian Joust.

Do you think a Vita version of Flower is a good idea? Let us know in the comments below.

[Screenshot is from the PS3 version]