The Walking Dead: 400 Days Bites the North American PSN Tomorrow, EU PSN July 10th

It feels like we just learned about the 400 Days DLC episode for The Walking Dead from Telltale Games, but true to form, they have announced the release dates for the game, giving North America gamers just one day to prepare.

Yes, starting tomorrow, July 2nd, PS3 owners in North America can download 400 Days for The Walking Dead at a price of $4.99. Then on Wednesday, July 10th, the new episode will launch in Europe. You can also expect a PC/Mac release on July 3rd, an XBLA one on July 5th, and the iOS version on July 11th, and the Vita version thought to come out in August.

As the helpful Telltale Games FAQ tells you, this is a piece of DLC for The Walking Dead, so you will need to have at least episode 1 of season 1 installed.

Are you going to be downloading The Walking Dead: 400 Days? What are your expectations for the new episode? Let us know in the comments below.


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