Sony on PS4: “We’ll Have a Lot More Announcements in the Upcoming Months”

It’s hard to believe that we’re less than 5 short months away from E3 2014, where there will no doubt be tons of surprise game announcements, though it will probably be a little tamer than this past E3, what with no new consoles to promote.

Adam Boyes has already talked about how they were planning E3 as of November, and Guy Longworth teased some “epic stuff” coming for the PS4, mentioning how he can’t wait for E3. When asked about the upcoming year and E3, SCEA’s John Koller told GotGame in a recent interview that 2014 will “be a massive content year.”

He then continued:

We’ve talked publicly that there’s a huge and significant amount of games coming this year to the PlayStation 4. We’ll be showing a lot of those and it is going to be an exciting moment for many people. I can officially confirm that what is coming next is really spectacular. The types of games that are coming are absolutely fantastic. We’ve already talked about some of these already, but games like Destiny, which is the game from Bungie that is really going to be a show piece as to what makes the PlayStation 4 so special.

There’s a lot of innovation; that’s something that we really want to push. The PlayStation 4 is really the strong innovation engine for this category and this industry. There’s certainly a lot to talk about there, so E3 is going to be fun this year. This is going to be one of those, you know, years where we’re going to have a fun time showing new games to the world.

On that note, Koller later added when specifically talking about the PS4, “We’ll have a lot more announcements in the upcoming months.”

Also, when Uncharted 4 was brought up in the interview, Koller gave out this teaser: “We haven’t announced many details, so that may be an interesting thing to tune in for at E3.”

Do you think Sony will blow us away with new game announcements at E3? What do you hope to see? Let us know in the comments below.


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