Sony PlayStation Team Does the “Ice Bucket Challenge,” Challenges Issued

If you’ve been keeping tabs on social media, or the news, for that matter, you might have noticed this new thing called the “Ice Bucket Challenge.” Basically, people dump a bucket of ice on themselves, and no, they’re not going crazy.

The reason why people like Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Facebook founder Mark Zuckberg, etc. are doing this is to raise awareness for “amyotrophic lateral sclerosis” or more commonly known as “ALS,” or Lou Gehrig’s disease. The original goal of the challenge was people can either donate money to support ALS or have ice dumped on them.  Now, Sony’s PlayStation bosses are jumping into the mix, too.

Shown in the video is Sony Computer Entertainment America boss Shawn Layden, and a few other Sony San Mateo people who not only have ice dumped on them in freezing weather, but Layden even issues a challenge to Activision CEO Bobby Kotick, GameStop’s Tony Bartel, and even SCEE chief Jim Ryan. Oh, and they’re joined by Ratchet, too!

Will we see more video game personalities do the Ice Bucket Challenge? As long as it helps out the ALS sector, then I’m all for it.