Far Cry 4 Trailer Shows Off Weapons, Introduces Longinus

Ubisoft has unveiled a new Far Cry 4 trailer for fans today, and it showcases the game’s assortment of weapons.

Players will get to see the various armaments available in the game such as the mortars, grenade launchers, machine guns automatic crossbows and knives. Also in the video is the introduction of Longinus, whom Ubisoft describes as “a former warlord who found God when he nearly died during a civil war in his country, where a priest named Maliya hid him in a church in Pala and nursed him back to health and eventually baptized Longinus in the waters of Goka Falls. Unfortunately, the people of his country saw him as a warlord, and nobody believed his so-called claims of being born again, so he left his country.”

Which weapon will you use to decimate your enemies in Far Cry 4 when it shoots out for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One and PC this November 18.


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