10 Changes the Final Fantasy VII Remake Needs


I should say right away that none of the stupid shit I write here matters.

More than anything, Iā€™m just happy to get the remake Iā€™ve been wanting since the PS2 era. My usual attitude towards remakes is that, if theyā€™re too different, whatever; Iā€™ll always have the wonderful original. To me, this remakeā€™s primary function is to scratch an itch ā€” to answer the question ā€œWhat if?ā€

Without it, weā€™d never know. But in a few years (supposedly), we will know what FFVII would be like if it were made in the new generation. While content to sit back and see what happens, I know some things Iā€™d be pushing for if I were on that dev team.

Stay tuned for a list of things that should not change.

Meanwhile, hereā€™s an example of Ishimotoā€™s work in remixing an Uematsu classic, for those of you unfamiliar with Crisis Core and too lazy to look stuff up.

A beautiful song from a beautiful prequel to a beautiful game. I canā€™t tell you how giddy I am that Final Fantasy VII is getting remade.
