Batman Arkham Knight Update On PS4 Fixes Leaderboard Issue

To help address the issue with leaderboards not displaying, Batman Arkham Knight update 1.03 was released recently on PlayStation 4, taking up roughly 100MB.

The patch note highlights the “leaderboard fix,” while Game Director Sefton Hill said everything should be up and running at some point today:

When you’ve got the latest PS4 update, the leaderboards should be online sometime in the next 24 hours.

As for his previous comment about the PC version getting all the attention when it comes to fixes, Hill said:

To clarify: PC is top priority for engine team but there’ll still be updates for consoles too. Not all issues are fixed by same people.

For more on Batman: Arkham Knight, check out our review and be sure to download the free The New 52 Skin Pack.

Are there any issues you’re experiencing in Arkham Knight that you hope Rocksteady fixes in the next update?

[Source: Sefton Hill (Twitter 1, 2) via VG247)]