Judge Approves $60 Million Settlement in EA NCAA Video Game Lawsuit

U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilken has approved a $60 million settlement over claims brought against NCAA video game series developer Electronic Arts, the Collegiate Licensing Company, and the NCAA. The settlement, which was reached last Thursday, will see athletes being awarded up to $7,200 for the use of their names, images, and likenesses. However, this figure may change. 

More than 20,000 people have already filed their claims, with a deadline of July 31 for players to file for compensation. Wilken may reduce attorneys’ fees, which can result in players receiving a higher amount than the current estimate. Rob Carey, an attorney for the plaintiffs said:

She [Wilken] wants what we want: a fair payment for the attorneys, who took tremendous risks, and the best results for those athletes who make claims. The claims rate is approaching 30 percent and that is a great response. The awards are sizable, and the athletes who were there — (Sam) Keller and (Shawne) Alston — are elated with the result and their roles in it.

Another attorney, Steve Berman, said that he was glad to be part of a “landmark effort,” which will ensure that athletes get paid for the first time in history.

It remains to be seen whether EA will consider a revival of the NCAA series or not.

[Source: CBS Sports]

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