Resident Evil Revelations 2 Comes to PS Vita on August 18, Launch Trailer Features Gameplay

Released earlier this year for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3, Resident Evil Revelations 2 is releasing for the PlayStation Vita on August 18 in North America and Europe at $39.99 as a digital-only title.

Made possible by Sony Third Party Production and developer Frima Studio, Resident Evil Revelations 2 on PS Vita includes the four core episodes, the two bonus episodes (The Struggle and Little Miss), and Raid Mode:

The Struggle and Little Miss Episodes

In the first, you’ll learn more about Moira’s struggle to survive on the island between Claire’s departure and Barry’s arrival. In the second, you’ll uncover more about the mysterious girl Natalia and her special abilities. Both episodes play a critical role in understanding these characters and how they play into the main campaign.

Raid Mode

Includes 15 playable characters (HUNK and Wesker included) and over 200 missions. Additional content includes a throwback map pack and multiple storage expansions for Weapons, Parts, and Albums. If that wasn’t enough, we’ve got an awesome alternative costume pack chock full of new styles for your favorite characters in both Story and Raid modes (Natalia’s costume limited to Story Mode).

At launch, two-player online co-op will be supported in Raid Mode, while ad-hoc support for Raid Mode will be added after launch via a free update.

[Source: US PS Blog, EU PS Blog]


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