Rocket League Update 1.04 This Month Will Add 3v3 Ranked Matches, Forfeit Option

Scheduled to release later this month around the same time as the Supersonic Fury DLC, Rocket League update 1.04 will allow you to forfeit ranked matches, giving you the option to leave without being temporarily banned for outright quitting:

As well, 1.04 adds Ranked 3v3 matches, the Utopia Coliseum map, Spectator Mode, and more than 80 new country flags. The full list of flags is over here.

They also addressed issues people may be experiencing when attempting to unlock Sweet Tooth on PlayStation 4:

If you had all or most of the wins before our patch, you may need to win some again. Go for #2 w/ each [car] and that should do it.

Since Rocket League is no longer a part of the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection, you’ll need to spend to $19.99 to play it. You can grab a free SHAREFactory theme though.

[Source: Rocket League (Twitter 1, 2)]


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