Mad Max Graphics Comparison Video Shows Xbox One, PS4, and PC Are All on Par

The PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One versions of Mad Max all graphically look about the same, or at least that’s what a new comparison video shows.

The folks over at Digital Foundry created yet another video (which can be seen above), this time taking a look at the slight visual differences between the different versions of Mad Max. The two consoles versions look almost identical, while the PC version has a few slight differences, such as a few more detailed environmental textures and better character models. On the whole, however, the console versions match up nicely with the PC version.

The console versions of Mad Max match up nicely with each other, too, not only visually, but also in technically. In a separate Digital Foundry video (seen below) that looks directly at how each console handles the game, it can be seen that even though both consoles are running the game at 1080p, they both manage to keep it at a fairly steady 30fps.

Which platform are you playing Mad Max on? And be sure to check out our review of the title here.

[Source: Digital Foundry (YouTube) 1, 2 via Eurogamer 1, 2]


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