Doom Gameplay Video Walks You Through the Closed Alpha, First Test Begins on Friday

With invites going out earlier this week, Bethesda has confirmed that the first Doom alpha test will run from Friday, October 23 at 12:01am ET until Sunday, October 25 at 11:59pm ET.

Bethesda posted a gameplay video of the closed alpha (above), and Executive Producer Marty Stratton talked about what’s included:

Participants will square off in 6v6 Team Deathmatch on the Heatwave map. Using a limited arsenal of 6 weapons and 2 pieces of equipment, players can choose a pre-set loadout or customize their own loadout before jumping into arena-style combat in this industrial-themed map.

You’ll also find some game changers in the arena, including the Demon Rune (transforms you into a Revenant with dual rocket launchers and a jetpack), the Gauss Cannon (can destroy a foe in a single blast), and power-ups like Quad Damage and Invisibility.

Bethesda says, “Much of this initial Closed Alpha is dedicated to assessing how real people connect to servers, systems and the back-end infrastructure needed to operate the game. In other words, all the technical stuff that’s essential to helping id’s vision for Doom come to life.”

There will be more Doom tests as they approach launch in spring 2016, with the big beta coming in 2016.

Stratton adds, “We’ve had a great time sharing our vision for Doom with you this year. We can’t wait to reveal even more of our single-player campaign, our competitive multiplayer, and SnapMap creation tool and content hub as we get closer to our launch in the spring of 2016.”

Will you be participating in the first alpha this weekend?

[Source: Bethesda, Doom (Twitter), id Software (Twitter)]


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