Naughty Dog Has “Maybe Two or More” Games Left to Release During This Gen After Uncharted 4

A Jak and Daxter game might be off the cards, but Uncharted 4 and the rumored Last of Us 2 might not be the extent of Naughty Dog’s offering for the current generation of consoles. In an interview with Finder, Community Strategist Arne Meyer said that while developers don’t know ahead of time when a console cycle will end, Naughty Dog has “maybe” two or more games left to release this gen after Uncharted 4.

I’m sure there’s some big master plan somewhere, in terms of what the cycles are. We usually find out about the new hardware once they’re actually ready to give us development kits even if they’re early. We don’t know ahead of time when that cycle ends, we just have to focus on making the best game we can on the hardware we do have.

I mean I have no doubt – I don’t know what the timelines are – but we have at least one, maybe two games left in the console generation, maybe more. Clearly we can release a game really late in a console generation and do well, right?

Arne also said that Naughty Dog’s development cycles aren’t “too long” but he has “no doubt” that the developer’s next game will be out during the current generation. 

Assuming that The Last of Us 2 is one of the games that Naughty Dog plans to release, what other games do our readers think or expect the developer to release after Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End next year?

[Source: Finder]