Destiny King’s Fall to Get Challenge Modes

Destiny‘s King’s Fall raid is about to get “harder” with new challenge modes, Bungie has announced. In its latest weekly update, the developer has said that starting early December, King’s Fall bosses will offer a challenge each week that will require players to defeat them in a specific way. Lead Raid Designer, Gavin Irby, explained:

Early in December, one of the King’s Fall bosses will offer their challenge each week. You’ll see which boss when you select the Raid in the Director. It will display next to a skull, just like one of our Nightfall modifiers. They work on both normal and hard mode, and offer rewards to match.

Each boss’s challenge requires that you defeat them in a very specific manner. How, exactly? We’re going to leave that up to you to discover (but apologies in advance to those that run the single-pool strat for Golgoroth).

Destiny is also scheduled to receive an update in December, which will include weapon tuning, and more exotics. For more on that, click here.

[Source: Bungie]


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