Rocket League Update 1.16 Improves Hitboxes for Vehicles, Lowers ESRB Rating

It may not be the big April update with the Hoops content (that’s still coming later this month), but Psyonix released a new Rocket League update on PlayStation 4 and PC yesterday, addressing some hitbox issues and lowering the ESRB rating.

Here’s the full list of patch notes for Rocket League update 1.16:

Changes and Updates


Improved Hitboxes for multiple vehicles to more accurately represent their models; specifically…

  • Fixed Scarab and Grog’s hitboxes, which were not long enough
  • Fixed Breakout and Hotshot’s hitboxes, which were not wide enough
  • Fixed Batmobile and Breakout’s hitboxes, which were abnormally long
  • Fixed Gizmo, Octane, Ripper, and Scarab’s hitboxes, which were too tall
  • Fixed Dominus’ hitbox, which was not long or tall enough

Repaired collision issues that resulted in incorrect ball-bounce behavior in some maps.

  • Additionally, the “Wasteland” Arena received collision improvements to eliminate inaccurate bounces

ESRB Rating has been lowered to “E” from “E10+” (this should just affect parental control settings)

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an exploit that allowed Battle-Cars to jump considerably higher than they were supposed to

In addition to the new Hoops game mode, the April update includes Replay Quick-Saving, Replay Naming, and changes to ball physics.

[Source: Rocket League]

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