Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Multiplayer & Zombies Modes Revealed, DLC Packs First on PS4

Offering up more details about Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare following the initial reveal earlier today, Activision and Infinity Ward revealed both the Multiplayer and Zombies modes within the game.

First up, Activision says Infinite Warfare’s Multiplayer mode “features an evolution of Call of Duty’s movement system with an emphasis on front-line engagement.” You’ll be rewarded for using your surroundings and applying the right strategy during combat, while maps are “designed to immerse players into fast, fun, and frenetic gameplay that players have come to expect from Call of Duty.”

They add, “With its new approach to play, multiplayer will bring innovative gameplay that challenges players to achieve their goals in creative ways based on their specific play style.”

As for the Zombies mode, it will be an original cooperative experience that “takes players on a wild ride through a new storyline with unique gameplay features and mechanics” separate from the campaign and Multiplayer. Activision says there will be surprises when they further detail Zombies later this year.

Over on the PlayStation Blog, Infinity Ward’s Eric Monacelli revealed that DLC packs will once again be first on PlayStation 4. “More details about multiplayer and the new zombies experience will be announced at a later date,” he said. “For now, we’re excited to say that PS4 owners will get DLC Map Packs 30 days early. So plan your upcoming holiday season weekends carefully.”

Infinite Warfare releases on November 4 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

[Source: Activision Blog, PlayStation Blog]


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