Homefront: The Revolution Update 1.02 Is 3.2GB, Frame-Rate Issues Still Reported By Players

Announced last week, the day one Homefront: The Revolution update (listed as 1.02) is a 3.23GB download on PlayStation 4.

Full patch notes for the Homefront update aren’t available yet (the PS4’s Update History just says it includes “optimisations and bug fixes”), but Deep Silver did reveal that it includes frame-rate improvements:

Make sure you have the most recent update(s) downloaded and installed. The Day 1 update includes a range of performance and framerate improvements as well as other fixes to enhance your playthrough experience. We strongly recommend you have the Day 1 update installed before starting your playthrough.

On PS4, you will be prompted to download and install an update if it has not already automatically downloaded in the background. Make sure any downloaded update is also Installed, as downloading alone will not automatically update your game. When the installation process is complete, start your game. If you had already started the game without installing the update, first go back to the dashboard and close the application Homefront: The Revolution. Then start it up again, and the patch will have been be applied to the game.

Unfortunately, even with the day one update installed in some cases, players have reported issues with Homefront’s frame-rate on Reddit and the forums. Meanwhile, VideoGamer played the PS4 version with the update installed and said, “While it retains the look and feel of the PC build, it runs terribly, so much so that it is one of the worst-performing games I’ve ever played on the machine.”

Have you picked up Homefront? What do you think of the performance?

[Source: Reddit, Homefront Forums, VideoGamer via Crave Online, WCCFTech]