Cyberpunk 2077

Witcher Dev Appears to Be Hiring a Producer for Cyberpunk 2077

The Witcher 3 developer, CD Projekt RED, has posted a slew of job listings for an unidentified AAA game, and none really catch the eye until you scroll down to the listing for a producer for this AAA game. Even though the game isn’t inherently named, CD Projekt RED is known for only working on one large project at a time, which points toward the only announced AAA game they have — Cyberpunk 2077.  As much as we are excited for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, it’s most certainly not of AAA caliber. And Gwent isn’t a role-playing game, something the job listing does specifically mention.

So, assuming Cyberpunk 2077 is indeed for what CD Projekt RED is hiring a producer, this most likely means we won’t see Cyberpunk in the wild until 2018. However, don’t automatically think this means that the company is just now getting to Cyberpunk after shoving the Blood and Wine expansion for The Witcher 3 out the door. It’s possible that they’re simply replacing a producer who has left for various reasons.

In another humorous note with the listing, if applicants don’t speak Polish, they will teach the language at no additional cost. Work on Cyberpunk 2077 AND learn Polish. It’s hard to beat that offer!

[Sources: CD Projekt RED via GamingBolt]


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