Re-Watch the Devolver Digital, Bethesda & Xbox E3 2017 Press Conference Right Here

The first ever Devolver Digital E3 press conference took place last night and, as the publisher says, it’s “where nothing important happened.”

Aside from a couple of short trailers for PC games, that statement holds true, though you will see someone throw money at a screen, learn about Earliest Access (where Devolver can sell you a game the day it’s conceptualized), hear from Suda51 for a few seconds (10:35), and see a woman’s head blow up.

In the comments section of the video, Devolver adds, “No regrets.”

If you want to see press conferences where important things actually happened, check out the replays of the Bethesda and Xbox press conferences below:

Some of the big announcements yesterday include The Evil Within 2, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, Doom VFR, Life is Strange: Before the Storm, Assassin’s Creed Origins, Dragon Ball FighterZand Anthem gameplay.

As a reminder, today sees the Ubisoft conference at 1pm PT/4pm ET and the Sony press conference at 6pm PT/9pm ET (pre-show will include Gran Turismo Sport release window announcement).

[Source: Devolver]


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