Yakuza Kiwami 2 sales

Two New Yakuza Kiwami 2 Trailers Revealed

After the game leaked a week ago, we now have two new trailers for the upcoming Yakuza Kiwami 2, one of which showcases some new and improved versions of classic scenes, and the other that gives us a better look at the gameplay.

PS4専用ソフト『龍が如く 極2』最新ストーリーロングトレイラー

In the first trailer (above), we get a more detailed look at the story, and while the video is in Japanese, users will likely notice some of the memorable scenes from the original game, some of which have been improved for the modern era.

PS4専用ソフト『龍が如く 極2』最新ゲームトレイラー

The next trailer (above) gives us a look at the game’s improved looks coupled with some gameplay, also revealing that the game has been given some features from the more recent Yakuza games.

Our review of Yakuza Kiwami went up earlier this week. Here’s what I had to say about the remake, which releases in North America next week:

The other major issue that Kiwami runs into is some annoying game design that stems from the 2005 original. Yakuza has never had the greatest encounter designs (don’t even get me started on the final fight in Yakuza 4), but a lot of the fights in Kiwami boil down to the game throwing 20 baddies at Kiryu. Playing on normal, I never died during combat, but getting crowded and knifed repeatedly by foes ends up being more annoying than a satisfying challenge. There’s also a pretty lame car shootout sequence (tip: remember that you can slow down time during that scene so you don’t fail it three times like I did). Yet, for the most part, the sub-standard design doesn’t bring down the story. It all mostly ranges from serviceable to fun, and the fantastic localization and storytelling more than make up for some frustrating moments.

As a remake, Kiwami is a triumphant success. Not only is it leaps and bounds more playable than the PS2 original, the additional scenes help flesh out character motivations. This all makes the story of Kiryu’s rise feel more special, and it’s a perfect continuation for those who recently played Yakuza 0. There are some disappointments, though, as just roaming around Kamurocho feels like a step backwards from previous games that featured multiple cities to explore, but that’s just an unfortunate side-effect of being a remake of a much-less ambitious title. The new bells and whistles make Yakuza Kiwami a worthwhile time no matter if you’ve played the original or not.

Yakuza Kiwami 2 releases in Japan on December 7, 2017 for PlayStation 4.


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