Blood & truth

PGW 2017: London Studios’ New Game is Blood and Truth for PSVR

At the 2017 Sony Paris Games Week media showcase, London Studios showed off their latest title called Blood and Truth. London Studios’ latest project is a clearly built off of their experience with The London Heist, which was a short demo game featured on PlayStation’s VR Worlds.

Blood and Truth builds on many of the ideas found in The London Heist, including not only massive shootouts, but also more intimate and immersive experiences that are really pronounced in virtual reality. It looks like it will require both Move controllers to play (or at least the experience will be vastly enhanced with the motion controllers). No release has been announced yet, but it’s hopeful that we’ll see Blood and Truth sometime in 2018.

The trailer features things such as lockpicking, threatening people with gunshots to the thigh, and crawling through vents. With the excellent work that was done on The London Heist, my faith is high in London Studios for a more fully fleshed out version of that experience. You can check out the full trailer for London Studios’ Blood and Truth above. What’s most clear is that there is a strong support for PlayStation VR.

Stay tuned for all of the games and announcements coming out of Paris Games Week, which is just beginning.


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