Castle Costume

Spooky Castle Costume Will Come to the PlayStation 4 This Halloween

If you’ve wanted a bit of Halloween flavor in your collect-a-thon platformer, then Castle Costume will provide it when it releases on PlayStation 4. It’ll be coming soon to the platform.

You play as a child with a pumpkin on their head, which is already appropriately Halloweenish. When the evil Angry Aaron, who’s described as a “former child” who hates Halloween, gets upset after someone steals his socks, he goes on a rampage. Now it’s up to you to collect candy, find the socks, and stop Angry Aaron to save Halloween.  Traveling through four worlds, you’ll be collecting candy and getting new powers so you can collect more items and unlock new sections for more powers and items.

The trailer displays the unnamed hero getting their hands on some fun powers. They could spin around to create a tornado, glide through the air, and managed to get their hands on a fire spewing staff. We also got a peek at a couple of the game’s boss fights, such as a giant living treasure chest that created platforming challenges, or a laser shooting pumpkin. Little references to The Wizard of Oz and Lord of the Rings are also scattered into the trailer. All told, Castle Costume looks like it could be a fun Halloween-themed time, especially for a younger audience or those looking for another collect-a-thon to play.

Castle Costume is developed by one man studio Loveridge Design, which is based in Ireland. This is their second game, their first being The One We Found, a horror FPS that was released on Halloween 2018. Loveridge Design also notes that Castle Costume has “numerous industry legends with over a century of combined experience” composing the game, although who exactly makes up this team hasn’t been revealed yet.