Shenmue 3 Update

Shenmue III Update Lets You Skip Initial Conversations With NPCs, Full Patch Notes Included

The latest Shenmue III update is live with patch 1.04. Most notably, the update will allow you to skip initial conversations with NPCs, along with other minor fixes like collisions with the environment and assorted minigame issues. Today also marks the release of Shenmue III’s Battle Rally DLC, which serves as a continuation of the story, pitting you against other characters via on-foot races.

Seeing as how the protagonist often has to talk to the same NPCs over and over again, being able to skip conversations will save you a boatload of time. Speedrunners will especially appreciate this since you can now skip conversations right from the start.

You can find Shenmue III’s update 1.04 patch notes below:

General Updates

  • Players can now skip initial conversations.
  • Backer content fixes
  • Event control fixes (Fixed issues which stops game progress when multiple events happen simultaneously at certain timings.)
  • Fixed background collisions which makes players get stuck.
  • Fixed certain localization texts.


  • Adjusted balances for certain skills.


  • Adjusted the fishing point of the green catfish in Bailu.
  • Fixed a bug where the camera cannot be controlled in the lucky hit minigame.
  • Adjusted the wage amount per cargo in the forklift minigame.
  • Fixed purchase prices of items which were incorrect.


  • Other minor bug fixes.

Shenmue III released in November 2019 to mixed reviews. While it felt true to its Dreamcast predecessors, critics felt that much of its gameplay, visuals, and sounds do not hold up to modern standards. Here at PSLS, we gave it a 6.5 and criticized it for its outdated presentation and clunky combat.

The third entry might not be the last, as the game’s creator Yu Suzuki stated “I hope to continue the series as long as people are interested.” While a fourth installment hasn’t been confirmed, it’s clear the creator definitely has it on the mind, as evidenced by a letter found in Shenmue III’s credits which references a possible continuation.

For now, you can enjoy the game’s Battle Rally DLC, along with the myriad fixes in its 1.04 update, available to download on PS4 right now.

[Source: Ys Net via Kickstarter]