Uncharted 2 Climbs to Top of Amazon Bestseller List

uncharted 2

Uncharted 2, this year’s most anticipated game, and shoe-in for the coveted “Game of the Year” has been heating up the sales charts since it was announced for pre-order. Now, less than a week away from the game’s release date, its sales have surpassed both the PS3 slim, and the Nintendo Wii which recently had it’s price reduced.

Uncharted 2 has charted Amazon’s bestseller list, and has finally made it to the top. It’s truly great when such a good game gets the attention it deserves.


If you haven’t already pre-ordered Uncharted 2, do so and do it right now. You don’t want to miss out on a game this good.

We’ve finished our playthrough of Uncharted 2, so expect our review this Monday.