Project Morpheus is a Game-Changing Tech as Sound Was to Silent Films, Claims Sony

While Project Morpheus — Sony’s virtual reality headset for the PlayStation 4 — still doesn’t have a price or even release window yet, the company thinks it could be a game-changer when it comes to video games.

During a talk at today’s DICE Europe, Sony’s Dave Ranyard asked: “Will virtual reality technology like Project Morpheus be a disruptive technology?” According to Ranyard, “disruptive technology” includes the arrival of TV and its affect on radio broadcasts, or the arrival of audio to silent films.

Ranyard thinks that virtual reality tech will be a kind of disruptive technology as TV and sound to silent films before it, but the VR tech we have now is still in very early form that will continue to evolve.

Additionally, Ranyard lists a few experiments being done using VR tools which include eye tracking, haptic feedback to “fool” the brain you’re in a different place, as well as using the PlayStation Move controllers to navigate within the game. The Sony dev surmises that while there is no standard in VR tech just yet, it will be achieved over time.

Do you agree with Ranyard that Project Morpheus — and VR — could be a kind of “disruptive technology?” Or is the device too alien for those who aren’t up to speed on tech?

[Source: Polygon]