What Bionic Commando’s PSN Exclusive Feature Is

Written by Chris Rah Osiris
Generalissimo Killt is going down today.
Generalissimo Killt is going down today

The exclusive feature that all PSN purchasers can look forward to is a “challenge room.” This room is supposed to be extremely difficult. So you all should be sure that people will be posting that they beat this room in their PSN profiles. (I will).

Bionic Commando is a game that I want as many people to play as possible, so it was very important to get a PSN version out the door for all of the Sony fans out there. And although I think it’s important to deliver the same experience to everyone, that doesn’t mean you can’t add in a few little things here and there to keep it interesting. So, one of the surprises is that the PSN version of Bionic Commando has an exclusive challenge room that you can only play on the PSN version of the game. It may not be the biggest of surprises, but we have tried to give a little something to the PSN users that they can keep to themselves. And with how hard this challenge stage is, it will certainly make for bragging rights!

John Diamonon also officially announces Street Fighter Alpha on the PS Blog. He hints to there being something else in store for us PS fans. What do you think of this?

Some of you may be asking, “Come on John D, was that’s it?” Um, if I say more, the PR team will kick my a$$, so I’ll leave it as a definitely, maybe.

I know what I’d love to have. Marvel v. Capcom 2. That would be epic.