A Bit More to These Trophies

Written by Chris Rah Osiris
You just may get more than this
You just may get more than this

A Bit More to These Trophies

Rumors abound that Sony is going to bring some type of reward system to those trophy collectors out there. Some of us were satisfied with the trophies alone. I know I was. I may not have mastered the trophy game like Phoenix and some of the other PSLS faithful, but I thought it was a great step for Sony. Sony is possibly ensuring that PSN brings the most unique online gaming experience in gaming.

Along with the rumors comes the speculation about how Sony will do this. Some have suggested that there will be discounts applied to PS Store purchases. I have a hard time believing this one. It would be nice, but that does not reward those that really cannot afford to buy more games. It is not fair to force someone to buy more to be rewarded for what they have done. So I do not think this will be the method. Early access to betas would not be surprising. If you are garnering Platinum trophies, you are going to put forth the effort to ensure that PS3, PSN, and PSP games are top notch quality. Therefore, this is a likely option.

The most likely option of all is……………Home implementation. Expect to see those rewards that Sony has said that can be unlocked in Home to be a major part of the trophy rewards program. Nothing shows off a Platinum trophy like a custom shirt, couch, or accessory that only a Platinum trophy obtainer possesses. Not only does this make trophies worth something, they also make Home even more relevant in the minds of gamers. You know what you are doing in the game is reflected in the world that is being designed for gamers. I want an SSHD shirt. At least a picture that I can put on my wall to show off my 100% completion, that is not too much to ask.

The information is not out yet. At least no official announcements have been made by Sony. Hopefully soon we will know if all of this speculation was warranted. I think that it is. This is not the first time we have heard of this and OPM tends to get good information. They are the OFFICIAL PlayStation magazine after all. Just thought everyone would like that lil’ reminder. So here’s to Sony and the prospect of “tangible” rewards for our endless efforts in gaming.