Feature Packed Resistance 2 Patch Incoming


The next patch for Resistance 2 has been announced, and it’s coming, wait for it, tomorrow. EGMBryan has posted details on the newest patch, and reveals some fixes and new additions to Insomniac’s sci-fi shooter:

–Access to Allies menu has been fixed.

–You can now launch Resistance 2 from Home.

–Added “Send Message” to the player interaction menu.

–“Ring of Life” Berserk energy is depleted upon activation.

–The DLC multiplayer map “Outpost” is now listed under “Northern Orick” instead of “Southern Orick”.

–Added coop Superhuman mode text to the “Create Game” screen.

–Added re-game time to the ticker.

–Meltdown leaderboard has been fixed.

–You can now earn a “Field Medic” ribbon” by healing the other split-screen player.

–Players will no longer be awarded the “Collector” ribbon while dead.


–Any XP and Gray Tech earned in offline cooperative games will be retained when the player goes online (this will help address any stats issues some of you experienced after the release of the previous patch).

Remember, the patch will be hitting Resistance 2 tomorrow, so have your disc in and ready to play!



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