PS3 Review – NBA 2K10


Graphically the game is a powerhouse. From the tattoos to the audience and player bench, the detail is there. Definitely one of the best sports games graphically that I have ever played.

The menus within the game itself are also great. The user uses the D-pad and various menus pop up for in game actions. This includes playcalling, substitutions, assignments, etc. There is no reason to pause and take yourself out of the game, just use the D-pad for whatever you need to get done.

The A.I. within the game is very smart. They will switch up defenses on you throughout the game to see what is working. As stated earlier, if you try to just drive the lane and get a quick basket then you will get behind in the game, and fast. To beat the A.I. the user needs to think before they act. Run the plays at hand with execution, and make smart sound decisions before just throwing the ball up, hoping it will go in. Fellow teammates will do what they can to get open, it is your job to get them the ball.

The minigames within the game are a lot of fun as well. Some are quite difficult though. For example, doing the 3-point Challenge is more difficult than shooting 3-pointers within an actual game. Once you get the controls down though, they are a lot of fun. Especially the Dunk Contest mini game.It not only allows you to perform ridiculous looking dunks, but also add in various props. The more precise the dunk, the better the score given.

NBA Today is also another new feature within this years game. It lists the available games for that particular date. You can then choose to play that game on your console by simply highlighting it and clicking X, the game then loads the matchup immediately.


Tho online aspect is always a thriving community for those looking for a challenge. Not only are there regular ranked matches, but there are also Crew Games and Pick-Up games to play as well. It is up to the user to which they want to play. There is also a Team Mode to be played online. This comprises 5 vs. 5 with everyone being someone online.

All in all the game is  great investment to basketball fans. It is a great game overall that is astoundingly realistic. The difficulty of the game to new users might ward off some people because it will take time for them to adjust, but then that is what the difficulty setting is for. This title would be a great addition to any library, and is definitely a worthy successor to the 2K franchise. Happy 10 year anniversary 2K Sports.

PlayStation LifeStyle’s Final Score

One of the best basketball sims created

A.I. poses an actual challenge to players

Online component is great, and has a thriving community.

7 out of 10