Rumors Aplenty Over Next Treyarch Game Setting

Many rumors have been swirling recently about what setting Treyarch will focus on in their newest Call of Duty game; that is set to hit store shelves in Winter 2010. Unlike Infinity Ward, with their Call of Duty : Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2, they have stuck with the often-used WWII setting. New rumors floating about point to Vietnam as the new battleground.

According to “reliable sources” at PlanetXbox360, the newest Treyarch game will focus heavily on the story, and the struggles that war puts on individual soldiers. Just like “Saving Private Ryan” helped inspire the original Call of Duty games, and actually the Medal of Honor games; the game will draw inspiration from film classics such as “Platoon”, “Apocalypse Now” and “Full Metal Jacket”.

Is this a good direction for Treyarch to be taking? Has WWII finally been exhausted? Should Vietnam or modern-day be the battlegrounds for today’s games? And just remember, these rumors have not been confirmed by Treyarch or Activision; so nothing is set in stone yet.



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