Demon’s Souls Should Have Been First Party

Even though Demon’s Souls is perhaps the most challenging Next-Gen game to date, the game has gone on to make the US publisher, Atlus, a TON of revenue. With sales closing in on the quarter of a million mark, Sony has realized their mistake in passing on what Gamespot crowned their 2009 GOTY and have commented on the subject.

SCEJ’s Yeonkyung Kim discussed the error during a panel discussion about translating games outside of Japan. SCEJ was shy about giving Demon’s Souls to just anyone have both SCEA and SCEE turned it down, thinking it would be a niche seller at best.

That was a mistake. It should have come out as a first-party title.

Sony instead decided on publishing White Knight Chronicles, which didn’t exactly set the sales charts on fire nor receive much praise from the critics. With rumors of a Demon’s Souls 2 already in production, no way Sony will make the same mistake twice.



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