Assassin’s Creed II Game of the Year Edition Sneaks Up for The Kill

Since being release in November 09′, Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed II has gone on to sell over 6 million copies and counting. Ezio’s epic battle against the Templars was one of the best games released last year and easily made up for the repetitiveness of the original title. For those who might have been waiting to purchase the title, you might want to wait a big longer as a ‘Game of the Year’ edition has popped up and we have the details you need.

While it isn’t official, it seems has the inside on the Game of the Year Edition for Assassin’s Creed 2 as it seems that it will be hitting later this month, on the 21st to be exact. No further details were given, however if I had to be a guessin’ man, I’d say that it’ll feature the recent DLC that hit this year. Ya know, the chapters that were ‘glitched’ during the game and later released as DLC. How convenient.

If you were a fan of the first Assassin’s Creed and have been wondering if you should check out the sequel, read our review here, as AC2 is a significant upgrade over the original in about every way possible.

When we hear more about this ‘Game of the Year’ edition, we here at PlayStation LifeStyle will let you know!



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