Crysis 2 Will be First Major Game Available in 3D

Crysis 2, Crytek and Electronic Arts upcoming shooter, is already being touted as the “Game of The Year” from the developers. Now it looks like they are keen to back the bold statement up by confirming that the second installment in the franchise will be the first major game available in 3D when it’s released later this year.

Confirmed via USAToday, Crysis 2 will be the first major game to be available in 3D on the PC, 360 and PS3. Cevat Yerli, CEO of Crytek stated:

The success of 3-D movies like Avatar and the introduction of 3-D TVs from the hardware manufacturers tells us that this is the next big movement in entertainment, much like HD was years ago.

In addition to the confirmation of the intriguing prospect of Crysis 2 going 3D, both 2D and 3D will feature the same content. So don’t worry if you can’t shell out a few thousands of dollars on a 3D Television set.

Crysis 2 will be utilizing the stunning CryEngine 3 which the developers claim will set the benchmark for gaming. So it shouldn’t come too much of a surprise that EA and Crytek have jumped on the opportunity of making one the most hyped games of 2010 thus far 3D.

Games which have already gone 3 dimensional are Super Stardust HD as well as WipEout HD. Another game which will be going 3D next year is Guerrilla Games’ Killzone 3.

With Sony’s E3 press conference only days away, you can expect a whole portion of their conference dedicated to the 3D technology which Sony are looking to integrate into all their products.


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