If PSP2 Is 3D, It Won’t be Glasses-Free

With the massive push toward 3D technology and the recent reveal of Nintendo’s 3DS, the pressure is on for Sony to release their own 3D portable device. How will they do it? Right now at least, they know how they won’t.

In an interview with Andriasang, Sony CEO Kaz Hirai has criticized the current state of glasses-free technology.

According to Hirai, “Based off internally conducted research, naked-eye 3D for portables does not have high precision, and at present there are limitations.” He would not however, directly comment on the 3DS, specifically saying that he has not had a chance to play with the device. He stands firm in his belief that the current stereoscopic form of 3D that Sony is now offering on the PlayStation 3 and the new Bravia line of TVs is the superior form of the new technology.  “With such things as a strengthened 3D-compatible software lineup, we aim to increase hardware sales.” Speaking of precision, Hirai also talked about the advantages of the PlayStation Move over competitors in the market. “It allows for high precision movements, and has become a product with appeal.” Precision is the name of the game with Sony, as they will never sacrifice quality if the technology isn’t present.

Although it isn’t likely, it doesn’t look like Sony will be introducing 3D to a portable console any time soon. If they do, it will seemingly be with the current form of 3D. Remember, if anything were to be announced, PlayStation LifeStyle will be your source for all the information!
