Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows E3 Impressions

Okay, get this, one of the most surprising games at E3 has to be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? Why? Because for a movie tie-in game, it was pretty good. Want to know why? Find out below.

If you’re a fan of the Harry Potter series, then you know EA has had problems with translating the movies into the digital world of videogames. Either A.) The games were way too kiddy or B.) The gameplay sucked and the graphics were terrible. Have no fear though, as EA Bright Light threw away the old and put in the new. The best way to describe the game is ‘Gears of Uncharted Harry’. First off, the game looked good. Really good.

As Harry ran about the environments, his hoodie  moved and folded dynamically, even the tassels moved about as you ran. While this might be the norm for most games, it was surprising to see it in a Harry Potter title, seeing as how they’re usually rushed to meet the movie’s release date. The environments and enemies were also detailed plus Harry’s spells each had their own unique look and effects.

We mentioned the game was best described as ‘Gears of Uncharted Harry’. This is because Harry runs around, in third-person, very close to the camera, and aiming is over the shoulder. Another reason why? The game now has a cover system similar to Uncharted and the Gears series. I kid you not! When we first started playing the game, we were surprised to see how things had changed from the previous game. By pressing the circle button you can bring up your spells, which was around 10 of them, pick what you want, and boom. Time to kick some butt! Being a fan of the movies (never read the books!) and I actually enjoyed myself while playing the game. We can’t even imagine how the hardcore fans of the series will react to the new and improved gameplay.

In the past, Harry Potter fans might have been slightly embarrassed carrying the game to the front counter for purchase. Not anymore, just how the series has matured and darkened in each entry, the game has finally caught up. Harry Potter fans should take note: It seems that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows could very well be worth your time and money this Fall.


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