Malicious Coming to Japanese PSN

A special cloak, a world of fantasy, immediate boss battles, and stunning landscapes. Prepare to experience Alvion’s vision.

Malicious is set to arrive on the Japanese PSN store on October 27th for ¥800 ($9.83). In what’s described as a “simple play experience”, the title’s stages are giant boss battles, with your “Cloak of Ash”—think Spawn’s necroplasmic cape– being your only means of offense and defense against the Malicious.

It’s hard not to compare it to other titles with a similar art style. The first thing I thought of was that if the main character from Cloud—one of Jenova Chen’s early masterpieces and one of the best PC games I have ever played—grew up, he would be the male lead in Malicious.

No word on if this title is coming to the US.


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