PSP Phone is “Most Definitely Real,” Has A Codename

One of the biggest pieces of news to come out recently is that of the seemingly real PSP Phone. While other websites and people have been crying foul, Engadget, the site where this latest rumor originates from, has assured the masses that the device is beyond a doubt real.

According to the folks over at Engadget, they are definitely sure that the device they received photos of is real, because they have “multiple, trusted sources” (emphasis theirs). These tipsters are apparently very closely connected to the project. They also were recently informed that the PSP Phone’s codename is “Zeus.” As can be seen in the screenshot on the phone above, the software being displayed does have “A” and “B” as button options, which the website simply brushes off as being labeled as such due to the device being a prototype. With everybody from Sony giving the same “we don’t comment on rumor or speculation” reply to inquiries regarding this phone, it’s anyone’s guess as to the fate of this hotly-anticipated device.


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