Battlefield 3 Sticks to its Roots and Plans for Imminent Attack

The development of Battlefield 3 was revealed only shortly before E3 in June of this year. It has been almost half a decade since we last saw a title from the series without the Frostbite engine, and many fans have been clamoring for a return. The question is: will Battlefield 3 stick to its roots, or become just another Bad Company title?

EA Europe’s VP Patrick Soderlund has gone on record saying Battlefield 3 is just around the corner and is looking like a great addition to the series. During an interview with Eurogamer, Soderlund exclaimed the following after being asked about the state of the game’s development:

“It’s going well. I’m very happy with what we have and I’m really excited about showing it to the world because we have something that is going to be very, very cool.”

He later followed-up with:

“Battlefield 3 will be seen as a true sequel to Battlefield 2.”

With revolutionary vehicles, tons of unlocks, and huge battle maps, the original Battlefield titles remained some of the most popular PC games for a handful of years after being introduced. The Bad Company spin-off series has been successful, but has been a significant gameplay departure from the originals. Hopefully we’ll be seeing another thrilling warfare title in the Battlefield series on the PS3 before the end of 2011.



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