Embark on a Journey Next Year

Jenova Chen has given an update on the progress of his mysterious game Journey, indicating that we’ll be able to walk the path sometime next year.

Journey is a bit of an enigma for most people at the moment. You start as a silent protagonist, lost in the middle of a vast desert, with a mountain visible on the horizon and very little else. Where you go is up to you, and how you deal with the people along the way is your choice too, as they’re other players in the same situation. The multiplayer component is similarly wrapped in mystery, since fellow players won’t be identified by name, and you can’t communicate except by using a wordless shout to get their attention.

Of course, that very nature is what makes Journey so uniquely interesting, and fans of That Game Company have been pestering for a long while about the game’s release. Jenova Chen has just posted regarding the release, announcing that Journey will release in Spring of 2012. He also mentions that the recent beta session went very well, and they’ll be using the coming months to give Journey the polish it deserves. Finally, he stresses that, like all products from That Game Company, Journey is an experiment, so what really matters in the end is what you think.